


Homoeo Treatment For Chikungunya

As name shows chicken like movement of limbs.Chikungunya is a viral disease transmitted to humans by infected Aedes mosquitoes. It causes fever and severe joint pains. Symptoms includes muscle pain, headache, nausea, fatigue and rash.

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Homeopathy Medicine For Baldness

Homoeopathic medicines for dengue

My Homoeopathic medicine how works in dengue? Ans. In dengue DEN1-4 virus eats platlets which are responsible of blood cloat. When platlets decrease haemorrhage start from ear, nose, mouth or with urine & stool.

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Homeopathy Medicine For Hairfall

Homoeopathy for Renal Calculi

In urinary tract two types of stones found. Calcium oxalate ii. Phosphates, Left Kidney is tilted in our body and uretar is high in kidney.Due to this position renal calculi of left kidney are difficult to remove.

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Homeopathy Medicine For Baldness

Homoeopathic treatment of jaundice

The fastest method of treatment of jaundice. In jaundice breakdown of RBC’s takes place by which haemoglobin of the patient is reduced causes anemia. It may be due to several viral infections .e.g. Hepatitis A, B, C..

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Homoeopathy For Jaundice

Homoeopathic treatment of paralysis

When blood pressure increases too much, micro capillaries of brain bleed and this haemorrhage collect an one place and become solid slowly slowly. This is called as haemotoma.

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